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  1. The Montelibero Movement is an open, decentralized community of supporters of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP), without fixed membership, aiming to transform Montenegro into the most comfortable and safe living and creative space for freedom-loving individuals. This is achieved through legal promotion of practices and technologies that ensure the protection and expansion of personal sovereignty for each resident of Montenegro.

  2. The Montelibero Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) is a structure with fixed membership, aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving the goals of the Montelibero project and Movement. This is achieved through higher social cohesion and mutual responsibility of the members, while maintaining the priority of freedom and self-organization, and without claiming a monopoly on representing the interests of the Movement.

  3. Participants of the Association are individuals or groups (corporate participants) who are part of the Montelibero Movement, fully acknowledging and adhering to this Agreement, possessing MTLAP or MTLAC participation tokens (for individuals and groups, respectively), and having the rights and obligations associated with this status.

  4. Admission to the Association is carried out by the Council upon reviewing an application containing necessary contact and verification data. The admission is done by sending the appropriate amount of participation tokens to the applicant’s account, thereby recording the fact of a specific participant’s acception of this Agreement. Submitting an application confirms the applicant’s consent to the public nature of the data contained therein.

  5. Exclusion from the Association can be triggered by either a personal withdrawal request from the member himself or a motivated request for exclusion put forward by the Council, any corporate participant (company, organization), or by other request supported by no less than 5% of the participants’ votes. Grounds for a demand for exclusion from the Association include a gross violation of the NAP or norms accepted in the community, as well as systematic non-participation in the activities of the Association, at least in the form of delegation. The fact of exclusion is recorded by withdrawing the corresponding number of participation tokens from the member’s balance, and a public announcement is made to all participants.

  6. The Assembly is the highest governing body of the Association, making decisions based on a liquid democracy scheme, which means allowing each participant to either vote independently or to freely delegate and retract his vote. The Assembly clarifies goals, approves strategic and medium-term plans (roadmaps), and addresses other issues within the legal framework of the Association. All decisions of the Assembly, except those explicitly stated in this Agreement, are made by a simple majority of individual participants’ votes (including delegated votes). Decisions on adopting and amending this Agreement and on the exclusion of members from the Association upon request are made by a qualified majority of 75% of the total number of individual participants’ votes (including delegated votes). Proposals for the Assembly members’ vote are submitted by the Council, on its initiative, or at the request of at least 5% (and for a vote of no confidence in the Council – at least 10%) of the total number of participants’ votes (including delegated votes). The discussion of proposals submitted for consideration by the Assembly is conducted on communication platforms, the composition and administration of which are determined by the Council.

  7. The Council is the executive body of the Association, ensuring the implementation of the Assembly’s decisions and the Association’s operations, including budgeting, personal accounting, blockchain multi-signature, and other administrative tasks as stipulated by this Agreement and the decisions of the Assembly. The Council serves as the nominal owner and manager of the Association’s resources and also acts as the default guarantor and arbitrator in the Montelibero legal system. The Council is formed of 20 (twenty) verified individuals possessing the highest number of participation tokens, considering delegation and the time of their acquisition. All the decisions done by the Council, except those explicitly stated in this Agreement or in the Assembly’s decisions, are made by a simple majority of its current composition’s votes, considering delegation (with logarithmic equalization, namely: for 10 or fewer delegated votes, 1 vote is added, for 11-100 — 2 votes, for 101-1000 — 3 votes, etc.). Leaders or authorized representatives of corporate participant donors of the Association have the right to participate in the Council’s work with a consultative vote.

  8. Corporate participants may come into agreement (sealed by decision of the Assembly or the Council) to perform functions and/or solve tasks, either on a permanent or project basis, in the interests and on behalf of the Association, including, but not limited to, the following:

    a) Set up and maintain tokenomics on the blockchain — both as a general infrastructure platform and its individual parts;

    b) Conduct procedures for accounting and verification of individual participants based on common principles and regulations, ensuring privacy and a high level of security in the administration of personal data;

    c) Create common funds and manage them effectively, participate in the voluntary co-financing of the Association’s activities and projects;

    d) Develop and apply voluntary certification mechanisms, client safety guarantees, and quality control.

  9. Participation statuses are recorded by the number of participation tokens or special status tokens on the participants’ balances and may serve as indicators of their level of verification, involvement in the Association’s activities, and responsibility for commitments in its legal system. Specifically, the presence of a corresponding number of participation or status tokens on a participant’s balance corresponds to the following statuses:

    a) 1 individual token — the applicant has successfully passed personal verification by any member of the Association;

    b) 2 individual tokens — the member has successfully passed verification by any certified verifier of the Association;

    c) 3 individual tokens — creditworthy participant of the tokenomics;

    d) 4 individual tokens — impact activist, leader/director of its corporate participant;

    e) 5 individual tokens — leader/director of a corporate participant-donor of the Association.

    f) 1 corporate token — an association (group, organization) is verified as real and accounted for in the status of a corporate participant of the Association;

    g) 2 corporate tokens — the corporate participant is verified as a reliable counterparty, meeting commitments in the legal system of the Association, having passed voluntary certification and providing guarantees of client safety and quality control;

    h) 3 corporate tokens — the corporate participant performs functions or implements projects in the interests of the Association;

    i) 4 corporate tokens — the corporate participant is a significant donor of the Association.